October 6, 2020 Some people should use a glue stick instead of chapstick One of the greatest influencers in life is our peers. Many times, without being aware of it; they influence in ways we can never…
October 1, 2020 Daddy and daughter Daddy and DUGHTER, NOT ALWAYS EYE TO EYE But ALWAYS REART TO HEART My dad is the best man I have ever known; I…
September 27, 2020 The right people you need in life If someone makes an effort to stay and be there for you no matter how messed up you are, those are truly the ones…
September 25, 2020 Build yourself in private Date in private. Love in private. Be happy inprivate. Live in private. Make money in private. Take your losses in private. Rebuild yourself in…
September 18, 2020 What I wish for There are days all I wish for is to be with people I love, people that will listen to my imperfections without judging or…
September 18, 2020 I appreciate my friends I’m so glad friendship doesn’t come with a price tag, because I could never afford the wonderful people in my life. When I look…
September 16, 2020 Be careful who you let into your life Be careful about the people you let into your life, because not everyone has good plans for you. Some will come into your life…
September 15, 2020 My sister At times, I may upset you; sometimes I will make you mad. Sometimes, my words will wound you, but you will never find another…
September 12, 2020 Sometimes you think that all you want is to disappear Sometimes you think that all you want is to disappear, but all you want is to be found. The greatest thing in life is…
September 12, 2020 Don’t let your past define you When something bad happens to you; you have three choices, to let it destroy you, or let it define you, or better still strengthen…