I spend most time wondering if I’m doing it right, at some point, I have to remind myself that I’m doing my best.
I have been in situations I wish I did otherwise, instead of making some costly mistakes. Ever since my wife died, things haven’t been so great.

She was the breadwinner of the family, I have health issues and stress isn’t so good for my health. I have lived in regrets for long.
After my wife’s death, my in-laws took all her properties; they are influential and rubbed it on my face that I don’t own a dime of whatever she has, they left me with nothing for our kids. Well, I started life afresh, I knew I had to create a better path for my children, they are on scholarship throughout their college years, and my only problem was feeding.
I have been working for months now, I didn’t attend college, so I couldn’t get a better job, I had to do menial jobs for our feeding. Thank the stars I can cook, so I work as a cook for different homes, and then a pizza restaurant.
All these jobs didn’t add up to much, I am paid five dollars for each hour I spend in the pizza shop, then seven dollars for the post of a chef.
I still feel stuck in the same place and making no change after all these moments. I could only afford two meals a day. I don’t regret anything I do, or try to overthink myself because of things I can’t change. I know my daughters will soon graduate to make me proud and will be better than me. When I look at them I know I’m doing my best; they motivate me.