March 2, 2021 Being liked by a man and valued by a man There is a difference between being liked by a man and valued by a man. A lot of guys can like you, but not…
February 18, 2021 Have you ever felt like that Have you ever felt like you did everything right, and it still went all wrong? When I was in college; I resolved never to…
February 13, 2021 Happy Valentine’s Day Happy Valentine’s Day TO My Children. My Kids May Not Always Be In My Home But They Are Always In My Heart, Thoughts, And…
February 7, 2021 Happy Valentine’s Day My love for you sets my heart on fire and makes each day of my life so Special. Happy Valentine’s Day! I have always…
February 7, 2021 Thank you to the real people in my life Thank you to the special people in my life who have listened without judgment, helped without conditions, understood with empathy, and loved me no…
February 4, 2021 Kindness live on forever When our time on earth is done, money or material things will not matters But the love, time and kindness we’ve given others willshine…
February 1, 2021 It Hurts to Miss Them Do you ever just get waves of missing someone? Like you’ll go for a while and be OK and then all of asudden your…
February 1, 2021 Love the right person Be with someone who can love you wildly not only behind the locked doors but even in front of the whole world. Be with…
January 29, 2021 When I say, I Love You! When I tell you I Love you, I don’t say it out of habit or to make conversation. I say it to remind you…
November 28, 2020 Always learn to let it out Have you ever just started crying because you have been holding in your emotions and pretending to be happy for way too long? My…