To all our Valentine angels in HEAVEN, You are forever loved.
The Valentine’s Day can be traced to the angel called Valentine. Throughout his lifetime, he was known as a preacher of love and one who never hesitates to show love to others even in cases he was mocked for doing so.

People saw him as a weakling who only showed kindness to people because he was afraid of the society stigmatizing him; people said a whole lot of stuffs. Valentine’s Day reminds us of the roles we have to play in each other’s lives.
No man was born an island, in the beginning of the world when man was created, God knew he needed a companion and a love and that was why he created the second human.
On this day we should learn to extend a hand of love even to those who have wronged us, family and friends.
The Valentine’s Day teaches us to always show love at every point in our life. The only way to eternal happiness is unconditional love, and before we can be able to love those who wronged us we have to let go of all the hard feelings, forgive them even if they never asked for it and watch how life turns out for the better.
Free yourself of every bitterness; if you don’t know how to let go; start by praying for everyone who wronged you, and it might not just happen, little by little happiness will start creeping into your life.
You will become filled with love once again, you will be happy and healthy. You will become a better version of yourself; you will have a lot of love to give out on the Valentine’s Day.