Teased for having married her

When we accept and appreciate ourselves, including our imperfections, that’s when we truly begin to enjoy life the most.

But it’s hard. Celebrities and the media, by showing perfect images and promoting them as standards, contribute to the insecurities of regular people who feel they must look like those magazine models.

Some people refuse to let silly standards define their beauty and work hard to change how others see them.

Amelia has faced mean comments about her weight. Her mom knew she’d be big since she was chubby as a baby. While people thought she was adorable as a kid, she dealt with bullying later.

Amelia felt left out by society, spending her time playing video games alone until Sean came along.

Despite facing challenges, their simple life together resulted in a marriage proposal and a small wedding. Their story inspired people worldwide to embrace and empower others.

These two show that love can conquer anything because they changed how love works in an amazing way.

Watch their life story in the video below.

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