The birthday girl’s family wants to make her birthday as memorable as possible after she was diagnosed with brain cancer in October.
For a brief moment, your heart stops. The world slows down. You’re just trying to deal with it because you can’t breathe. You know, she’s four years old. Heather Krings, Delaney’s mother, said. Delaney Krings, of Pewaukee, Wisconsin, was said to have been diagnosed with cancer and given only six weeks to live by her family.

It breaks my heart. I’m sharing this with anyone who wants to send this little girl a birthday card and contribute to her happiness. In the midst of Delaney Krings’s battle with terminal brain cancer, birthday cards have been requested by a family in Wisconsin.
People were impacted by her love and light. She is our angel because of this. And it’s likely that she will be invited to continue her work as an angel elsewhere,’ Heather continued.
The 4-year-old is at Children’s Hospital of Milwaukee at the moment. In order to ensure that she is never alone and always has a loved one by her side, her parents alternate watching her. One week from now, Delaney will return home for hospice care. Heather elaborated: You can’t really tell a child that she won’t be around for long. Because of the “debt” in her head, she knows she needs to go to the hospital. Delaney turns five on December 16. Her family is intending to praise her last birthday and is requesting birthday cards from everywhere the world.
“She is still able to laugh, hear, see, feel, and remember us while she is still aware of what is going on. You must ignore this clock because what are we here for? to make the most of the time she has left.”
Please keep this girl in your prayers and thoughts. I am so grateful.