July 20, 2021 I love my parents Anything your parents do for you after you are over eighteen years old is out of pure love; respect it and be thankful. The…
July 20, 2021 My daughter is a rare gem To my daughter, I may not say it enough, but you are everything to me. I cannot imagine my life without you, because you…
July 16, 2021 The secret of life A customer today told me; ‘’ If you raise your children, you can spoil your grandkids, but if you spoil your children, you will…
July 16, 2021 I love my daughter so much Daughters are like flowers, they fill the world with their beauty. My daughter is my best friend and no matter how bad my day…
July 15, 2021 Everyone makes mistakes No one is perfect, but we all are working towards perfection. Everyone makes mistakes in life, but that doesn’t mean they have to pay…
July 15, 2021 The Joy of motherhood A few things your mom may not have told you; she loved you more than herself. She has watched you while sleeping. Every time…
July 13, 2021 Never give up When life is difficult and when everything turns bad, always remember that ‘even a turtle can finish the race as long as he never…
July 12, 2021 People only care about the little things you neglect No one sees how much you do for them; they only see what you don’t do. You can do a lot for people, make…
July 12, 2021 Real friends love you for who you are Real friends don’t care when you are broke, what you weigh, if your house is a mess, what you drive, about your past, or…
July 12, 2021 I love my mom Never hurt nor make your mother cry, there’s no one who loves you as she does in the whole world. If there was anyone…