A Teenager Sierra that her father died in a gunfight while working as a local cop, tells this story. Since she never forgot him, the younglady regularly paid a visit to her father’s grave. For four years, she visited his grave with flowers and wrote him sincere letters.

In 2013, Sierra’s father tragically passed away while performing his duty. The officer was working his shift when he heard a woman screaming inside the house, so he rushed to look into it and save the woman. He unfortunately fired a lot of shots. However, the woman and her children were saved by his passing. After he passed away, the American state of Indianapolis paid tribute to him as a hero.

Four years after his daughter graduated from high school, she and her boyfriend went to her father’s grave to take a picture to remember the occasion.
The girl’s boyfriend, told the girl’s mother who is also a Police Officer that he thought it was a great idea. After that, she got in touch with her coworkers and got them to come up with an amazing surprise for Sierra. Sierra was surprised and tears of joy when they got close to her father’s grave and saw the entire police force there. To keep the special moment in their minds, they all took a picture.