One day you will tell your story of how you have overcome what you are going through now and it will become a part of someone else’s survival.
I never knew someday that my story will inspire people and make them work towards the better.

I was ridiculed for the decision I took years back and I’m happy I never went against my decisions even after my family stood me up.
It’s so funny how love can go to hate and vice versa. Hate dominated my heart as I saw the only man I ever loved dribbling with my heart.
I wanted to stay and change him for the better; I was hoping he could come back some days and apologize for everything he’s done then we would be one happy big family again‚ but my dreams were far-fetched.
I wanted to stay and make things work‚ but he kept making things difficult and I knew that if I didn’t leave that moment I was going lose my sanity.
I left and that was the time people decided to speak up‚ no one ever saw his wrongdoings; I was the one being ridiculed for not taming and keeping him.
I wasn’t a rehabilitation center I didn’t know how to tame a man who hits me and doesn’t want to be tamed. He abuses me physically and emotionally; I endured it all‚ but I had to reach before I lose my sanity.
I’m happy my story inspired people to walk out when it’s not working out; people will always talk. Always remember to put your mental health first above anything; you deserve the peace of mind.