Whether you believe in miracles or not, Parker Grelecki’s story from Georgia is unquestionably a stunning illustration of one that just might be real. Just as his father says, Little Parker’s journey is one of unwavering love.
In 2008, Parker was born with hydrocephalus, a disorder that causes an abnormal buildup of fluid in the brain.
That meant that Parker’s brain only comprised up 5% of his skull, as opposed to the 90–95% found in typical newborns.
The hospital staff cautioned his parents to brace themselves for the worst outcome, but it quickly became evident that their young son was determined to persevere.

The majority of parents often express the sentiment, “We are indifferent to the gender of our baby; our primary concern is for the baby’s good health.”
Sadly, not every parent has the privilege of nurturing an ailment-free child – one need only inquire with Crysie and Ryan Grelecki, hailing from Marietta, Georgia.
Back in 2008, their joy knew no bounds upon discovering Crysie’s pregnancy. However, at the 20 weeks mark, their world was shattered when they received heart-wrenching news during one of the initial ultrasounds.
The nurse detected an abnormality in the size of Parker’s head while he was still in the womb. She recognized there was a problem right away and made a call for help. All the doctors who looked at Parker’s scans agreed that his situation was both serious and shocking.

Upon investigation, it was discovered that a blockage existed between the third and fourth ventricles of Parker’s brain, one preventing the proper drainage of spinal fluid. Consequently, fluid accumulation was causing pressure on Parker’s brain, compressing it against his skull. This condition reportedly manifests in approximately two out of every 1,000 births in the United States.
Upon receiving the news about their baby’s abnormality, Crysie and Ryan Grelecki were taken aback and filled with worry. However, they behaved in the way that all parents ought to: they unreservedly supported their unborn kid.
“God would constantly remind me of a song throughout my pregnancy whenever I allowed my thoughts to descend into “what if” scenarios and pure pregnant terror. “God will make a way, when there seems to be no way, He works in ways we cannot see He will make a way for me… He will be my guide, hold me closely by His side, with love and strength for each new day God will make a way,” the song’s lyrics that would play over and over in my head and give me His peace went like this.” Crysie shared on her Facebook.
Typically, a newborn baby’s cranial cavity consists of approximately 90-95% brain matter and 5-10% fluid. However, when Parker was born in September 2008, he had an unusually high proportion of over 98% fluid and a mere 8 millimeters of brain matter.
At 39 weeks, he was brought into the world through a Caesarean section.
Parker’s birth was a very hectic occasion, as is obvious. Everyone was unsure of what type of life he would have ahead of him, let alone whether he would even live, and his future appeared to be uncertain. Fortunately, he received incredible support from his parents, who cherished their precious baby boy above all else.
“I remained by his side the whole time, engaging in conversation, offering prayers, holding his hand, and gently stroking his head,” Ryan recounted. “That overwhelming feeling of unconditional love washed over me, as I realized that this helpless baby had been entrusted to my care, and yet, I felt utterly helpless in being unable to do anything for him,” he shared.
Two days after his birth, doctors at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta began to drain the extra fluid from his cranium and release the pressure. Parker’s brain was able to naturally expand and develop as a result.

He then started getting procedures. To fix his malformed skull, surgeons used craniofacial techniques, but they were aware that the task would be extremely difficult.
“Our objective was to open up the cranium, re-expand it, and separate the bones that had fused together over time. And that’s basically what we did.”
Parker was allowed to return home two weeks later. After four weeks, he started physical therapy.

Parker had successfully endured seven surgeries by the time he turned 20 months old, and everyone was in awe of his recovery. Parker struggled at first to sit up straight, but eventually succeeded, according to his mother Crysie.
Parker also skipped the typical stage of crawling and started to walk right away. According to Parker’s parents, they owe a lot to the personnel at the Children’s Hospital of Atlanta, who over time came to feel like a “extension” of their own family. The personnel at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta genuinely loved Parker.
The facility, which is renowned for its rehabilitation program, has had many extraordinary success stories, Parker’s recovery being just one of them.
In addition to participating in formal therapy sessions, Parker engaged in various activities aimed at enhancing his muscle development. For instance, he played tennis and joined swimming lessons alongside his siblings.

Parker is now nearly unrecognizably different from the day of his birth, sporting glasses and a thick head of golden hair. Looking at this adorable boy now, he has greatly beyond the predictions of almost all medical professionals. Parker is an outstanding student, according to UGA Miracle.
According to UGA, ” one would expect him to face challenges in social interactions, but even a brief encounter of two minutes is enough to realize that God has blessed him with an incredibly captivating personality.”
Parker Grelecki defies all odds as a living miracle, having been born with less than 2% brain matter.
As Parker’s parents, Ryan and Crysie Grelecki are “extremely grateful to be Parker’s parents and to continue to watch him grow and carry out the Lord’s plans for him.”

His proud mother calls him a “chatterbox” and a “loving child,” and it’s obvious that he feels the affection of everyone around him, including his extended family at the hospital as well as his original family.
Chase and Emily, Parker’s siblings, have also provided excellent support. Chase and Emily are advocates for others who might not receive the attention they merit since they grew up with a sibling who has special needs.
“As parents, Crysie and I have grown to understand that having two healthy children is indeed a miracle.” According to Ryan and Crysie Grelecki, Parker’s tale has given rise to a family that is full of marvels.
Parker’s 14th birthday will be on September 2022. He has a lot of wonderful years ahead of him, despite having experienced a lot of things that most people won’t have to cope with in their lifetime. Parker has long harbored aspirations of becoming a sportscaster.
The brain that is so brilliant now and has less than 2% brain matter and three pounds of fluid is the same brain that had three pounds of fluid when it was born. Parker is a natural talent and has attempted multiple times to land his ideal profession.
He occasionally assists the local high school football team as the announcer. Witnesses claim that Parker is exceptional at what he does and that his enthusiasm for the games is contagious.
We believe Parker to be a true hero and an extremely inspirational individual, despite the fact that his challenges are undoubtedly directly related to his brain impairment considering what he has accomplished. If I only have half of his outgoing and charismatic personality,I would be pleased with myself. Such a sweet boy, he seems to be!

Below, you can see Parker’s remarkable transformation:
The strength that resides within humans is quite amazing. Thank you to the entire medical staff for helping the kids regain their lives!
Such a sweet little man. Godspeed to Parker and his family.