Laughter is functional medicine. It is free and has no side effects. It doesn’t require any form of prescription, yet, it does a lot of good. Only a happy heart can genuinely laugh. No matter how funny a joke or a story, a heart that is not happy will not be able to laugh deeply, because true laughter bursts forth from the heart. Laughter reminds us of why we are humans. It brings the sides of us their life should have otherwise toughened.

Happy people are known by the laughter lines that bracket their mouths. These lines are a sharp contrast to the frown lines that creases the foreheads of some persons. We should aim for the laugh line more because true laughter brings joy to the soul and a glow to the face. Do not get so caught up in your worries, and then forget to laugh. When you laugh, laugh deep and full. Laugh so hard that your sides begin to hurt. Laugh till tears are streaming down your face, and you can’t catch your breath.
Laugh till you are bent over, holding your sides. That laughter is truly deep and genuine. Laughter does a lot for our immune system. It helps to relax our entire body. You cannot laugh genuinely and still have tension in our shoulders. Laughter has a way of making those tension away. When we were kids, we were quick to laugh out loud. We didn’t mind if our jokes were not understood by others.
We were not scared to sound in a certain way when we laughed. As adults, we tend to be more serious. We laugh consciously so that we do not look fools. We are surrounded by uptight people who frown on laughter. Deep, hilarious laughter. Little wonder why we are stressed out and tensed. We bottle up a lot of emotions, and they form balls of anxiety inside us. Laughter takes away anxiety. It helps us release emotions and betters our moods.
A whole lot can change when we laugh. People who laugh a lot are seen as happy people. Their auras are also contagious because they spread their laughter all around them. Surround yourself with people who bring out the kid in you. People who make you laugh and who make it okay for you to laugh genuinely. Do not be too serious. Laughter boosts your metabolism; it releases endorphins, which are literally happy hormones. It removes anger and bitterness.
Genuine laughter is good for your heart, keeps the heart pumping and the blood flowing. It adds zest to your life. Laughter helps to strengthen relationships. It even helps to build new ones. It makes a person look even more attractive. A lot of persons are most likely to be with a person that makes them laugh than someone else. Laughter draws you closer to people. It helps to resolve conflict. You can’t keep malice with someone who you share a genuine laugh with regularly. Laugh hard, laugh true, and laugh deep. It is good for you.