If you see a dryer sheet in your mailbox, you should understand what it’s trying to tell you.

Ah, summer. Most people love it because it brings warmth, lots of green plants, and hopefully, plenty of sun.

Although I generally think summer is great and doesn’t have many bad parts, there are a couple of things I’d remove if I had all the power one day.

Before you mention it, I know wasps are important for nature, and no, I wouldn’t really make them disappear just because I’m scared of them. But I think we can all agree that they can spoil a BBQ or a garden party, or make people run for cover, especially in my case.

Luckily, I don’t have a job where I have to deal with wasps or other stinging bugs often. That’s why I feel bad for mail carriers.

A Reddit post got a lot of attention because it talked about the problems mail carriers have with wasps. Yellowjackets are especially tricky because they like to build nests inside mailboxes.

According to the post, mailboxes seem like a perfect place for wasps to make their nests. They’re protected, hidden from view, and stay warm at night, which is what wasps like in a home.

This would be okay if it wasn’t for the fact that someone has to deal with these mailboxes regularly. In the Reddit post, the mail carrier said they often find mailboxes that are home to wasp nests. They get stung a lot when they reach inside to deliver the mail without knowing the nest is there.

You might say it’s just part of the job, right? Well, yes, but it doesn’t have to be.

In fact, there’s a clever trick to keep wasps away using something as simple as a scented dryer sheet!

Credit / Shutterstock – EnriqueO

The smell of the dryer sheet stops wasps from wanting to build a nest in the mailbox.

So, here’s what you should do:

Step 1: Pick a scented dryer sheet. Make sure it has a strong smell because that’s important.

Step 2: Stick the sheet inside your mailbox using tape.

Step 3: Change the dryer sheet regularly to keep the smell strong and useful.

Credit / Shutterstock

That’s it! If you want to help mail carriers this summer, share this article to spread helpful info.

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