I thought when I will enter college; I would stop missing my mom or always wanting to talk to her or be around her; it turned out that it never stopped‚ it has no age limit‚ no time limit and no distance limit.

My mom is my best friend and the best soul I ever met; it’s so funny how we clicked more than my twin. I stole her from my siblings and I became fulfilled when I noticed she loved me so much too.
She didn’t just look at my mom; I saw her as my soul mate and even in cases when I didn’t explain myself she always understood. She knows me more than anyone and I’m happy she got to be my mom; I couldn’t have imagined how lonely my world could have been if not for her. I didn’t have any friends and spend all my time with her; even on my school prom night, I insisted she went with me and she was my date too.
My dad complains at times how I’m stealing his wife from him‚ but I was the least that cared. I loved my mom and only her matters to me. I thought I was just being a baby‚ but I’m now an adult and my feelings for my mom haven’t changed a bit.
She will always be my favorite person even when I have aged; I hope she will be around forever. I love my mom so much.
I always feel lost without my mom. She’s been gone 40 yearS ! That particular pain is permanent!
miss as badly now as I did then.
Sorry for your pain. I lost my mom on Easter I know I won’t have to wait fourty years to see her. So sorry that’s a long time. God bless you.
Well said I will always miss my mama❤
My bestfriend has been gone almost 2 years and I still want to call her. Then I realize that there is no 1 800 number to heaven. We did everything together, I’m so lost without her. I never had to ask my mom if she loved me I new she did she was a great mom and friend and I will miss her until I see her again.
keep moms talking as long as you can
Hello everyone my mama has been gone going on 3 yrs she died december 27,2018 and i miss her voice we would talk every nite before bed shes always on my mind i find myself at times if somethinrRg exciting happens i want to call my mama and tell her i cant do that shes not here its hard even to this day i miss her more now than i did when she left this world my mama is in my heart always on my mind anybody that ever lost their mom i know what youre going thru its hard my best friend gone apart of me went with her its not the same god bless everyone and praying for those that are going thru the same loss of losing their mom RIP Mama 6/27/46-12/27/2018
My adoptive mother passed 20 years ago and I feel the pain of that loss everyday. In the midst of that pain, I was just blessed five months ago to find my birth mother. We clicked immediately and she has become my best friend. I’d even say that we’re in love with each other. We live in different states but we communicate everyday, several times a day. She’s 78 and I’m 63. There is no age limit to having a close relationship with your mom!
Hang on to every moment and don’t let anyone take that away. I’m 73 and miss my mom like it was yesterday. As matter of fact it goes though my crazy head to call and talk to her. Then reality hits.
My mom died before my wife and I had children. Of our four parents she would have probably had the most joy from the new generation. I always appreciated her love and support and delivered the main eulogy at her funeral. She didn’t have a mean bone in her body and with my dad helped so many many people. I had to practice the day before the service for hours so I could hold it together and deliver it. I can still remember and hear in my head her off key song sung to my sister dad and me the night before her last and unsuccessful operation.
My daughter is too busy for me she is an author, im 66 and she could care less about me, i cry all the time., i wish i could talk to her. She does not even answer her phone that i can wish her a happy birthday, 3 times i tried. Giving up i have no choice.
I lost my mom February the 14th 2021 and the pain will never go away I miss her everyday I miss her sweet voice I miss the smell of her her hugs going out shopping getting lunch and just doing mom and daughter things
Lost my mom 2.4.21 but she waS mentally gone way before with dimentia. Would give anything to be able to call and have a conversation with her. Because of distance, we were not able to do things together a lot, but I called her daily and visited as often as I could….even more now that I am retired. Dad is 91 so we are now trying to celebrate and enjoy his life with him……I still can’t get passed the fact that she is gone…..so hard to accept
I lost my mom on 06/25/2021. She’d been sick a long tine. It will be a year next month since she’s been gone. I cry at unusual times, and places when I feel her loss. I was with her when she took her last breath.
My kids and I have no relationship….but my mom and I did. I think about calling her, or going to see her often. She has been gone nearly 12 years, the pain of her loss is still here…..