Happy New Year Hugs for Everyone. Quick take one Now before we melt.
Yay! The New year is almost here, and we are excited. We have gone through a pretty trying year and have come out on the other side.
New year reminds me of the beautiful Scot song ” Auld Lang Syne”. A song that says farewell to the old year and welcome in the New year. Should auld acquaintance be forgot And never brought to mind?

Should auld acquaintance be forgot And days of auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear For auld lang syne We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet The song reminds of day gone in the old year, but also turns out hearts with anticipation to the New year.
That is why this song is sang in almost all part of the world at the stroke of midnight which ends the old year and ushers in the New year.
Auld lang syne is not the only tradition that ushers in the New year. At the stroke of midnight, friends and family.memebrs exchange hugs and kisses.
We hug ourselves out of love and joy for having to see a New year. That is why I am sharing New year hugs. Auld lang syne reminds us of friends and family. We give our friends and families hugs at New year. The warmth of the New year hugs is infused with the love of those hugging, the joy of the New year, and the excitement of a new beginning.

Gather everyone, quick, come take your share of the sweetest, warmest New year hugs before they are exhausted. As the snow falls all around you in gentle flakes, enjoy the warmth of a hug to welcome in the New year.
Here is my advice to you, give out New year hugs, and revive them. Do not just give the hugs to the people you know. Offer them to those around you. Plesse be safety conscious, but do not hesitate to spread the love ,joy, excitement, and warmth of the New year.
Reach out to people you barely say hello to, and offer them a warm New year hug. Ushering in the New year in a public place ? Hug as many person as you can hug while putting on your face mask. Share the joy, bring the laughter.
Here is my New year hug for you. I have brought more than enough hugs for everyone. Unfortunately, my hugs are like the softest snow flakes, soft and melty. Hurry up, come take your New year hug, let is celebrate life, family, living, New beginnings, joy, health and every good thing we count ourselves blessed with. Here is to wishing you a beautiful New year, one filled with the best hugs, and love.
I also wish you a year filled with reasons to be happy. May the year give you the courage to reach out to other persons and share the hugs of love. Interested in singing Auld Lang Syne for the New year with your friends and loved ones? You can learn the modern version of the lyrics here