Every little smile can touch somebody’s heart. No one is born happy, but all of us are born with the ability to create happiness.
Someone once said, a smile is happiness you will find right under your nose. Imagine finding happiness every time you want it?
If you can create happiness to yourself through a smile, what do you think would mean to others who are below your status? They will become joyful.

Ever wondered why is it that each time you open your door to the sight of your gatekeeper and then smile on them, they literarily blush and feel happy and energetic? It is the joy that you have brought to them even when they are not entitled to it, is what makes them blush and feel included in your domain.
A little smile means a lot and can change one’s life forever. We weren’t born with an innate ability to be happy and remain so, it is the things that happens around us that sets our mood up for happiness or sadness.
So now it is left for you to decide what you want to be to someone else. Do you want to be a thorn that brings sadness or give a smile that brings happiness? Whichever you choose, do not forget that life is in circle, you will likely get whatever you give out.