The life story of Mississippi native Patrick Hardison is terrifying. The man’s face and neck were completely destroyed in a house fire in 2015, making him the first American to have a face transplant.
Patrick’s life was perfect until the day of misfortune in 2001.
He didn’t hesitate when asked to assist with a house fire because he had previously worked as a volunteer firefighter. He unfortunately fell on it as he entered the burning area and was captured. Burns covered his face and body, rendering him unable to move.
Patrick said, “My mask melted on my face Already, and my hose had melted.”
When friend and first responder Jimmy Neal saw Patrick after the crash, he told CBS News, “I’ve never seen anyone burn that bad who was still alive.” This was for anyone who does what we do for a living.

Patrick was burned to the third degree on his scalp and face. Additionally, he was burned on the head, neck, and upper body. His lips, most of his nose, and even most of his eyelid tissue were all destroyed by the fire as well.
“It wasn’t until probably November that I saw myself. In September, I was hurt, Patrick told Fox News. Because they had everything covered, a skin graft was performed through a small hole in one of my eyelids. I asked myself in the mirror, “Is that it? He recalls, “I can’t do it.”
This man needed more than 70 surgeries and other procedures over the years. Despite the fact that doctors were able to protect his vision by attaching skin flaps to his eyes, he was still at risk of going blind.

Patrick was in so much pain that he couldn’t eat. Because he couldn’t see himself in the mirror, he just couldn’t get used to this life. He couldn’t stand being around people, even his own children, and everyone looked at him everywhere he went.
Patrick always wore sunglasses and a hat to hide and protect himself. Also, he had an artificial ear.
“I had a family. It was simply a difficult time. The injury prevented me from taking a day off. It was every day if you went out into the public. That’s just the way things are; you can’t explain everything,” he told Yahoo!Sports.
When you enter the stadium, you need to be ready for the childrens to run.

Patrick lost hope for a normal life as time went on. The Frenchwoman Isabelle Dinoire, on the other hand, underwent a partial face transplant following severe damage to her face caused by her pet dog. This method was groundbreaking. It was unique in its kind. Patrick, who was really struggling at the time, received a glimmer of hope as a result.
When Patrick went to NYU Langone Medical Center in New York, Dr. Eduardo D. Rodriguez told him he would perform the transplant if they could locate a suitable donor. It wasn’t easy, but a donor showed up one day. A match was found by LiveOnNY, a non-profit that coordinates organ donation in the New York City area. The face that Patrick received belonged to David Rodebaugh, a 26-year-old man who was declared brain dead after suffering severe head injuries in a bicycle accident.
Nancy Millar, the young man’s mother, made the decision to donate all of her son’s organs, including his face.“Better save his face,” I said. She has a porcelain doll-like face. And we’ve talked about the fact that she is a donor,” Millar told People.
David would continue to live the lives of the people he saved, including Patrick, even if someone took his son’s face.
Nancy recalled, “When I met Patrick, I saw this strength in him, this strong, masculine, sharp energy — David had.”
“I knew that if this guy was a fireman—he wanted to go into a fire to save people and risk his own life—then he had the power of David.” David wanted to be a fireman.

The day of the transplant procedure finally arrived. A team of 100 professionals carried out the lengthy 26-hour procedure.
Patrick was given a 50/50 chance of survival despite the significant risk. Thankfully, it was a huge hit. Patrick’s head, ears, and ear canals were all changed. Additionally, he received an eyelid that enabled him to blink naturally and preserved his vision.
Patrick stated to Time, “Everything in life has its risks.”
“You go when it’s time to go, whether you’re hit by a car on the street or in an operating room.”

Patrick met the mother of his donor after he recovered from the swelling and learned to speak and swallow again. Nancy only wanted Patrick to give her a kiss on the forehead.
“Can I kiss your forehead?” I asked. “Nancy stated.I wanted to do that because I used to kiss David’s forehead every night before he went to bed when he was little.
“I put off meeting him for a year.”I’m so thankful,” Patrick continued. Without him, it would not be possible. He is akin to family. We simply assembled it.”

Patrick has been taking anti-rejection medications ever since the surgery to keep his immune system from rejecting his face, but he is doing well. He got another face, yet in addition another life.
He is now divorced and working on a book that he hopes will inspire those who believe there is no way out of the situation they are in. ” I want to demonstrate to the world that hope is possible. I wouldn’t want people who used to be like me to think that I have to live like this forever. You are not. There’s nothing that you can’t achieve,” Patrick says.
His recovery and survival are regarded as miraculous. He is content today because of Nancy, Dr. Rodriguez and his team, and Patrick’s strong will.