A crying teacher got really upset and left their job because of lessons about Critical Race Theory in a school board meeting.

This Virginia teacher surprised everyone by quitting during a chaotic school board meeting where they were talking about the controversial topic of Critical Race Theory.

Laura Morris, a teacher at Lucketts Elementary School in Leesburg, Virginia, talked to the Loudoun County School Board with strong feelings, explaining why she had to quit teaching.

She quit because she felt the school district was too focused on “equity trainings” and political beliefs. She said she couldn’t stay with an organization that seemed to limit certain groups, like white, Christian, able-bodied women.

Morris, who had been teaching in the district for five years, said she was tired of a system that she thought was forcing political ideas onto its most vulnerable members, the kids. Her speech showed the clash between her beliefs and the district’s rules.

The problem arises during the ongoing argument about teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT), especially in Loudoun County. School board meetings have become tense and split, with arguments and even arrests as parents oppose what they see as divisive and unpatriotic teaching methods.

However, some people say that learning about Critical Race Theory (CRT) is important because it helps us better understand America’s complicated racial history by changing how we usually tell the story.

It’s worth noting that this school board has had its share of trouble lately. For example, on May 25, gym teacher Byron ‘Tanner’ Cross was suspended because he wouldn’t agree that a biological boy can be a girl and vice versa.

Cross, who had been teaching at Leesburg Elementary School for eight years, explained that his Christian beliefs made him refuse to use certain pronouns. However, he was okay with using the names students preferred. Even though a court said he should go back to work on June 8, the Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) said they want to challenge that decision.

Lately, the school board talked about whether kids who are transgender should be allowed to use facilities and join activities that match their gender identity. The debate got so split that they had to delay the vote until the next day.

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