Cuteness comes in many different shapes and sizes.
Boop, a baby feather tail glider at the Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors, is the smallest animal there.

The beauty of an animal named Boop is incomparable.
The creature was found which weighed less than a gram and had escaped from mother’s pouch, was discovered.
The wildlife sanctuary is making every effort to ensure that Boop receives the best care possible before allowing her to return to the wild.
These beautiful native animals get their name from their distinctive flat tail, which is covered in stiff fringed hair that grows horizontally from each side to the tip. When they slide through the trees, they use the tail to steer and brake.
They are the only mammal with a tail that looks like it is made of feathers. The tail has the shape of a bird’s feather and is 7 to 8 centimeters long.
Because it only weighs 10-15 grams as an adult, this glider can sometimes be missed when bringing a cat or mistaken for a mouse.

Pygmy possums and feather tail gliders are related members of the Burramyidae family. Because of their small size, these tiny mammals, like the Sugar glider, go into a state called torpor. This makes it hard for them to stay warm in cold weather or when food is scarce.
The animal’s breathing slows down, they lose consciousness for a while, and their body temperature drops to the same temperature as the air around them. This should not be confused with hibernation, which occurs in autumn animals but lasts much longer.
The coat is a light cream color, gray and brown, with a white belly above the waist. Feathertail kites, like other gliders, have a skin fold that acts as a gliding membrane and runs from the elbow to the knee. In order to increase the body surface area, long hair is curled at the ends.
The glider can travel great distances when stretched out like a leaf falling. It eats insects, nectar, and pollen from trees for food. When it needs to move from one tree to another, it gets up into the air.
The skin flap that separates their front and hind feet stretches like a parachute when they leap from the tree with their legs extended. With its flattened tail, this tiny possum can glide, steer, brake, and anchor as it lands.

Although it has been observed that they can travel up to 28 meters, their typical glide distance is 14 meters. Glide up to five times per hour is possible. To stay above the ground and avoid larger, ground-dwelling predators, feather tail gliders use gliding.
The toes have enormous pads with serrated webs underneath that enable them to climb almost anything, and the legs resemble those of a frog, but instead of having scales, they are covered in fur. Using surface tension, the small glider can even climb vertical glass thanks to the numerous sweat glands on the foot pads acting as small suction cups.
From South Australia to far North Queensland, they can be found in eastern Australia.
From banana sacks to abandoned bird nests, these gliders cover their nests with leaves, feathers, and shredded wood. The nest is spherical and 6–8 cm in diameter. Tree fern, staghorn, and palm nesting sites are prevalent.
They reproduce throughout the year in communal groups of five to thirty individuals in the northern regions of the country; They do in the spring, summer, and late winter in the south.
In the wild, they survive for four years. The size and appearance of both sexes are nearly identical, with the exception of the female’s pouch.