There are days when it seems like the entire universe is conspiring to make your day go as bad as it possibly can.
As with most persons, when we face stumbling blocks, we hardly take a step back or stop. A lot of the time, we make the mistake of trying to push through.

Now, why there is nothing wrong with pushing through, the truth is that there are times when the best option is to stop.
Stop. Not quit
Stopping to take a break, and refocus is not in any way the same as quitting.
We fear the been tagged quitters so much that we will rather bang our heads against a wall than stop.
I have discovered that one of the best ways to deal with a say where nothing is going right is to drop everything and go to bed.
When I was still trying to climb the corporate ladder, I will find myself on so many nights trying to solve a problem that was obviously going no well. I would frustrate myself over the problem all night long, I will not sleep, and will end up cranky from the lack of sleep, battling a headache, and still have no solution.
Until I discovered the power of stepping away, letting go, and going to bed.
Whether it is a problem that needs to be solved, a plan you need to come up with or a day that is simply not going right, stepping away and hitting the sack can do a lot of wonders.
When we sleep, our bodies and our brain energizes. During sleep, your brain stores new information (note this), and lets go of wata. Not only that, your nerve cells take thatbopporruning to reorganize and communicate, which promotes healthy brain activity.
Your body is also doing some important repairs while you sleep.
What happens when you wake up?
You are refreshed. You see everything through new lenses .
There is something about sleeping a bad day away. Yes, the problems might not have gone away automatically while you were asleep (dont we wish that was possible), but you will not be facing the day exhausted and drained.
Rather you will be refreshed and ready to face the day or the problem.
What if sleeping is not an option?
There are other ways to deal with things when nothing seems to go right.
I have found that taking a walk helps a lot. Not only will it help you step away from the situation, but it will also help you clear your mind and get a better grasp on things. It can also help you come out and forget, which can be good for the moment.
Take a walk, sit on a park bench, add ice cream to the mix if possible. Don’t get lost in the rut of the moment, that is where it is bad.
Remember, when nothing seems to be going right, go to bed. Things always look better after a good sleep.