There are days all I wish for is to be with people I love, people that will listen to my imperfections without judging or reminding me how less of a human I have been.
I wish to be with people who will see beyond my mistakes, and acknowledge that I’m human and bound to them.

I wish I could drive around all night with someone, listening to music, talking about life, and be perfectly satisfied with my night.
My life hasn’t been the best, but I thank God for the chance of being alive. Many times, all I wished for never came to pass; it seems I was talking to the wind, but I believe everything will be okay someday.
All I ever wished for is to be happy, and free from the troubles of the world. It has always been from one problem to another; my life has never been at best, all I wish for is peace of mind for a day.
I was born into a polygamous family, and my mom left on time leaving me at the mercy of my step-mom. She was nice at first, until my father stopped taking care of us. My mental health was at stake so I had to run away from home.
I was depressed at some certain points, but I decided to pick on with life and make the best out of it. All I ever wished for was to be happy and live my best life.
I wish that the smiles on my face will never depart.