To my children… if I had to choose between loving you and breathing… I would use my last breath to tell you I love you.
A mother’s love is unconditional. Like Jessica Lange puts it, “The natural state of motherhood is unselfishness,” and if it will cost her life, she would rather die than live to compromise her love for her children.

The groanings, the anguish, and the untold covenants mothers have during childbirth is more than life, and if death can sustain it, they would not mind than stop loving their children.
Beyond science, technology, and innovation, the conception, development, and delivery of a baby remain a mystery that even death cannot unravel, and that is why a mother’s love is unconditional and uncompromising.
As your mother, I do not know how not to love any of you, my children. My love for you cannot be quantified, measured and or explained. I love more than I love myself.
Since I was conceived of you, I knew nothing else would matter then my precious gift from God. You are a gift from God, and I cannot be confused when I must choose you over my life; it will be worth it all the time, even now. I love you!