The richest wealth is wisdom, the strongest weapon is patience, the best security is faith and the greatest tonic is laughter.
We never get to be perfect or close to perfection, but we are all working to be close to it.
Lucky is the man who has wisdom, patience, faith and still has laughter to spice up his day.

We live in a complex world filled with different calibers of people, and that’s how we get to see different traits too; only wisdom, patience can get you through.
There is a story about a great king who ruled for years and in those years the country recorded the lowest number of crimes.
One of the many cases he handled that left me marveled was the one with two women fighting for the ownership of a child.
He ordered that the child be brought to him, and he decided to adopt the child as his; that will he grows up that he would have decided on whom to give the child to.
One of the women was happy about the king’s decision, but the other cried because the child was still sucking and no one will be able to take care of his needs.
He dismissed the two women, but one refused to go. Every night he sleeps at the king’s gate waiting to see her child.
At that point, the king knew who had the child and he didn’t hesitate to hand the child back to his mother.
He salvaged the situation because he applied wisdom and was patient. Wisdom and patience saves us a lot of looming troubles.