Happy are those who take life day by day, complain very little, and are thankful for the little things in life.
We don’t always appreciate the little things we have because we feel it’s always at our disposal.
We fail to appreciate what life gave us and we ask for the little that isn’t there.
When my dad almost lost his life, and I had to stay in the hospital for months, only did then I realize the importance of life.

My dad couldn’t and we had to purchase oxygen from the hospital; something I was doing freely and didn’t even care about, and my dad is here struggling to take in that which I have for free.
I was still in my thought when I heard about one of the patients who can’t eat through his mouth, maybe he will depend on the supplements injected into his body or whatever the case may be.
I realized there was more to life than I ever thought; I wasn’t thanking God for all he has provided for me, I always grumbled about not scaling through in my exams even after the sleepless nights.
I always thought God didn’t love and he has his favorite people whom he always listened to their prayers.
I knew that moment that I was faulty; I knelt and thanked God for all he has done. The days I traveled on the road and came back safely, for the air I breathe in and for always providing the next meal.
I thanked God for my life and existence.