Little hugs can dry big tears. Little candles can light the darkness. Little memories, can last for years. It’s always the little things in life that bring the greatest happiness.

Show a little kindness when you can; it doesn’t hurt to see someone else smile and be happy. It’s always the little things we do that matter and most times we often feel it’s not necessary.
When I was in college I once had a roommate who never cooked in the hostel because she had no money to buy foodstuffs; I had a lot to eat and spend and we ended up being bunkmates.
I took it upon myself to provide for us and it didn’t seem like a big deal to me. I was happy someone was there to eat my food and spend time with me.
We only got separated after the first year, but each time I saw her I made sure to buy her a meal.
We suddenly lost contact when I left the country to further my studies; during one of my numerous visits back to the country; I was having issues obtaining my covid-19 result and luck was by side.
I got to know she worked in the department I was to get it from and it didn’t take up to five minutes for her to process it for me.
She reminded me of the days I fed her when no one was willing to even be her friend, everyone neglected her because she had nothing to offer financially.
My act of kindness got me a friend and a family.
I’m a very kindhearted person and always find myself just naturally doing kind things for the people I love and care about or even a simple stranger!!! But, the downside to my being so kindhearted and always being kind to others is that I find myself getting taken advantage of alot especially in relationships. But, the upside to being so kindhearted and always so kind to others is that you get back in return to see the joy, appreciation, gratitude, gratefulness and smiles on there faces and hugs and many warm, many sincere Thank You blessings from others who are also kindhearted!!!❤