Whenever you can, in all ways, smile and send out love to everybody. This world we currently live in is hurting and people are sad, uncertain and hurting. Let’s try to lift others up whenever possible. For the past few weeks, we’ve all been on edge, everyday the news brings more bad than it does good.

We don’t know how this pandemic effects others, we don’t know what challenges others are facing. But we can always share a smile and send love into the world and do our part to try and make it a better place. You just never know how much your acts of kindness can change someone’s day. Allow your generosity and the goodness of your soul touch others today and through the weeks ahead. Let’s be there for each other, let’s heal together. Sending you smiles and much love today and always.
Thanks I need that. Brest cancer has me down. But my Dr. thinks it will be over by July. Terri Smuda
Hi Terri, you don’t know me, but I had breast cancer in 2009, added to which, it was the “worst” variation that one can have. However, here I am 11 years later. having coped with chemo, radio and all manner of drugs! I am sure you are strong and can get through this, I hope you have family and friends around you to support you, I know I was very lucky. If you want to respond and ask any questions, please feel free and I will do my best to reply. Keep smiling, chin up and look out at the fantastic weather we are having at the moment 🙂 Linda
Have been fighting kidney cancer for the last year! I know what you mean. Hang in there! We can’t let us get the best of us!!!!!
I’m fighting kidney failure and am all swollen, plus anemia is very bad, please pray for me.
Dyalysis (s.i.?) is really scary, but it has kept a dear friend “well” for eleven years, AND COUNTING! You too can have a good life!
Stay strong and use your faith to keep a positive outlook!
Terri I have been fighting the same thing. I have the most trouble worrying about if it is all gone as they say. I only do the hormone pills. What about you
Very thankful for that.
But it is niggling at my brain all the time. Good luck.
Praying for you Terri……
Best wishes on the way to you! Keep us posted on your recovery!
I absolutely love your post
Having just received this beautiful message of Love ,Hope, Faith. Thankyou Terri, I look forward to receiving these helps me and SOO MANY to appreciate so much everything GOOD we have to adpire to. Blessong to you Today and Everyday..
Love it
Yes being possible is important to any ones health. God bless us one and all!!!
Lovely thoughts. So I’m sending the back to you. Happy Easter for thee strangest one ever. CHRIST HAS RISEN!!!
Slept in late. Woke up just feeling down. Thanks for the pick me up.
Sending a little love in this uncertain time in our lives. Stay safe and well my family and friends
Let’s just keep praying for good times again and for those giving their lives for us.
Thanks, much, Chris. Back at you. Broke my hand when this was all starting, but was able to clean out a drawer today, so am healing. Stay safe.
Thanks Judy
We all need to try and remember that we have lovely friendships here to be to enjoy again in a close way again in the future.
Hi Judy
We all need to remember, the lovely friendships we have made here and keep the faith that in the near future, we will be able to be together again.
lovely quotes, very inspirational, thanks for being here
How sweet, thanks to my forever friend!!! You are always in my pocket(s)
Let’s all keep our heads up and our minds clear and know that we have made some very good friendships in our lifetime and we have them to turn to for support. Keep God in your prayers and your life and God will heal us all. Happy Easter to all my wonderful friends and family!
Thank you Bev and all that received this message. Smile breath and lets stick together to get through these troubled times. FM
Thanks Beverly let’s all stick together and share love and kindness as we get through these troubled times.
To all my family and friends up North and down South. Write when you can.