We only have one life to live.
No matter how long we live here on earth, time here will always be short.
I do not want to spend the little time I have here on earth fighting with people.
We tend to put a lot of opinions on how we have bested people. We want to get the upper hand over people.
I do not want to fight or keep malice with people. There is no time for that in this short life. There is no time to be petty and fight people.
I want to spend time living my life to the fullest and enjoying every moment of the time I have here on earth without wasting time fighting with people.
I want to give my time, my love, my talents, and even my money.
I want to spend my life making new friendships and building relationships. I want to spend my time on earth discovering new places and enjoying the wonders of life.
Life is too short to get angry and stay angry with people when we can be showing them love and living our best lives.
We can spend our time hating people, which will be a total waste of our time here on earth.
All the time we spend fighting people and being petty is wasted. We will spend our time being bitter, angry, and aggressive.
We waste years not talking to a person or trying to get back at them. They take up space in our minds and even take time from our days.
Time we should have used to create sweet memories, build legacies, impact lives, and share the love.
We spend that time fighting people. We forget that our time here on earth is short and that tomorrow is not guaranteed, anyone. We make our lives all about getting back at people. Trying to make them pay for whatever wrong they might I have done to us.
We could do a lot better with our lives if we focus on the positives. We could make the most of our time here on earth by putting all our angst aside. We could focus on living healthy, wholesome lives.
We can be bearers of peace and love and decide to be deliberate about fighting for what is good.
We can focus on helping people become better and giving to those who do not have.
I choose to be happy. I choose not to stay mad at people and not talk to them for years. I choose not to seek revenge or deliberately hurt another. I choose not to fight or be petty.
I choose not to do these things because I know that they do not serve any purpose. I know they will only waste whatever little time I have here on earth.
I want to love and be loved. I want to live in peace. Live and enjoy every single moment of my life. Be awake in every moment we live.