February 7, 2021 My grandchildren are my treasures My grandchildren are a window to my past and a mirror of today and a door to tomorrow and the keeper of my heart…
February 7, 2021 Thank you to the real people in my life Thank you to the special people in my life who have listened without judgment, helped without conditions, understood with empathy, and loved me no…
February 5, 2021 Kids with special needs Kids with special needs are not weird or odd. They only want what everyone else wants… to be accepted! When I was still in…
February 5, 2021 The universe will always work in your favor Once you decide you want a good life, The Universe will start movingthings for you to have it. The people you need will happen,…
February 4, 2021 Kindness live on forever When our time on earth is done, money or material things will not matters But the love, time and kindness we’ve given others willshine…
February 4, 2021 Don’t make fun of people Don’t make fun of people with disabilities. Whether its mental or physical problems. They are people too, they have feelings. No one has it…
February 3, 2021 A letter to my child My Child, You are so precious to me, and I will be your mother, no matter what your age. We will celebrate, have our…
February 3, 2021 The power of prayer PRAYER, No matter how hopeless or happy a situation might seem, NEVER STOP PRAYING. PRAYER, is for every moment of our life not just…
February 1, 2021 It Hurts to Miss Them Do you ever just get waves of missing someone? Like you’ll go for a while and be OK and then all of asudden your…
February 1, 2021 Love the right person Be with someone who can love you wildly not only behind the locked doors but even in front of the whole world. Be with…