It takes on someone who has lost their mother to actually understand what the pain of losing a mother feels like.

One way or the other, everyone has lost someone who’s close to them. Honestly, the pain of losing one person is different from the way you feel when you lose another person. The way you feel losing a father or a brother is just as different from the way you feel losing a mother, a friend, or a grandmother.
It hurts but it hits the differently with each person, depending on the kind of relationship you have with them.
There are days when I wish I could turn back the hands of time, and go back to those moments that I shared with Mama. It is funny how we do not appreciate the simple moments that we share with our loved ones. It seems to be part of our daily lives until later in the future, where we look back and realize that those moments are the only things we have left of our loved ones.
When life has taken its course, and the loved ones have left us, then we have nothing to hold on to, but those memories. We realize we should have cherished them better. We should have spent more time creating more memories rather than chasing things that might not have been of value to us.
I wish I had a time machine to turn back time to when mama was alive , or to just take one single walk with her, and to relieve that memory over again.