Never stop believing in your dreams. Have courage to live the life YOU want. Work hard, accept the challenges and build YOUR castles one by one….
Don’t ever stop pursuing your dreams and never you settle for less; have courage to live the life you want, work hard, accept the challenges and build your castles one by one.

It is surely going to take a lot of time, failures, disappointments, but what matters is that those dreams were achieved at last.
Don’t be a pigeon, when you were created to be an eagle, soar high in the sky, and make the sky your starting point and aim for the altitude.
Never stop believing in your dreams, they are going to come through someday and all you have to do is never to give up on them.
I wanted to study business management in Canada, but each time I wrote the IELTS it always ended bad for me; at some points I felt that fate didn’t want me to pursue my dreams as everyone that I ever wrote it with always scaled through.
I decided to pursue some minor courses in the university while still trying my luck; I went for economics as it was relating to my dream. I never stopped writing IELTS, and then in my final year in the university, luck shined on me.
It was on my convocation day that I saw the email and I knew at that point that my journey to success just began. I never gave up on my dreams and in the line of pursuing it, I got an extra degree for myself.