For 2021, I simply want my family to be healthy and happy, my mind at peace, my friends always safe and a life free of drama.
The curtains are drawing close on the test 2020. Soon, we will say goodbye to the year as little takes its bow.

We will bid farewell to yesterday that has been a lesson to us all.
2020 was one year that United the world,like football. Unlike football, it didn’t unite the world in a good way.
Rather 2020 united the world in pain, through a ravaging pandemic that shook the world and brought it to a halt.
That was not all, the year also thought us some valuable lessons. In the pandemic we understood what was important in life.
There is something about not being able to breath in air freely that tends to help you better appreciate the gift of life and diseass free air.

Yes ,2020 taught us. We also learnt the importance of community, friendship and been together. Again, you will never appreciate the importance of something till it is taken away from you. We went from who craved solitude to people who needed company to survive .
People got to take a good look and their lives and realized that they were not living as the ought it.
It was a wake up call for a lot of person, including myself.
With the realization that some of the things I have been chasing were not priority and would probably not matter in the long run, I had to redefine my wishes.
I have had to redefine what important meant to me and what were the things that were important.
The old me would have wished for something more materialistic for the coming year. Not that there is anything wrong with that, if thay is your wish, but in 2020,I have learnt to wish for the simple yet important things .
In 2021, the things I want are simple.
I want my family healthy and happiness.
I have discovered that health is underrated and happiness misunderstood. I want my family to be healthy and free from the pandemic that has raged the world. I want them to be happy in their own ways, not depending on another for their happiness.
I desire, crave peace of mind. I could do without the anxiety and uncertainty. I simply want peace of mind in 2021.
I also want my friends to be safe. It is funny how even with a raging pandemic, there is still a rise in crime, and insecurity.
I dont want to have to worry about the safety of my friends.
Another thing I so wish for in the year 2021 is a drama free life. You will agree with me thay we all need a boring, peaceful uneventful year. One without a mutating pandemic,and war.
I will say 2020 has been a dramatic year, filled with its highs and lows. Yet, as this year comes to an end, and we wait for the new year, it is difficult not to pull lessons from the old one. Hopefully, lesson, family and friend are the things we pull along, not baggage.