A Grandma thinks about her grandchildren all the time. They are always in her prayers, and even if they’re not with her, they are always in her heart.
My grandmother thinks about me all the time, she never goes a day without calling to know how I’m doing, whether I had my drugs yet or not.

I lived with her almost every day of my life and it was actually hard letting go when I got married.
She single-handedly raised me into a great woman and I know that all I have and all I am is because of the sacrifices she made for me.
Mom chose her marriage over me, as she always says no man wants a woman with a child already and up until now her husband doesn’t know she’s my real mom.
She calls me sister and most times it always makes me detest her being my mother.
She left me at grandmother’s house and thank God she did anyway. Granny is my guardian angel in human form and she has made my life heaven on earth.
My grandmother saw me through school with her last penny and left her supermarket in my name and that’s the highest of them all.
My mom as usual was against the idea, but granny stood her ground and I knew at that moment that I have got a rare gem.
I never wanted to leave her house when I got married I still felt like we should leave together, but she encouraged me to seek another life and enjoy my marriage.
We never go days without talking to each other and I know that no matter how far we are or how long we don’t see each other she will always remain in my heart.
She took me in at my weakest point and made me turn out so great and strong than I ever imagined.
Thanks, granny for making life worthwhile and enjoyable; I couldn’t have done it without you.