My grandchildren are a window to my past and a mirror of today and a door to tomorrow and the keeper of my heart all eternity.
One of the beautiful moments of old age is seeing yourself through the younger ones.

I can remember times I could curl myself around my grandma; I was the most clingy one amongst my siblings and that’s how I became my grandma’s best friend.
I could always sit beside her bed stand and listen to her stories of wars that came and passed; how she birthed my mother and how stubborn she was during her teenage days, of course, my mom didn’t want me to hear about that.
My grandma was my closest friend and now I feel memories of her face fading, but I can’t forget the times we spent together.
I can’t forget how cold her hands felt until she gave up the ghost; I became lonely after she left and looking back at how far I have gone and now I’m sitting in her position quite makes life ironic.
I see myself in my grandkids that could always surround me as to hear stories of their parent’s teenage and childhood days; they will always be around me to hear stories of my past and how I got each scare on my body.
I see myself in those clueless teenagers who don’t know how the world is and how complex, but still simple it is.
There’s no doubt I will never forget the moments they brought smiles on my face; I will surely treasure them until eternity.