I will always need My Children. They made me laugh, cry, made proud, drove me crazy. They are my forever friends.
I have never tried to generalize the joy of parenthood. I know that not everybody enjoys being a parent, not everybody signed up to be a parent.
While I might enjoy being a parent and find fulfillment in it, I also know that not everyone wants to be a parent. Some people became parents by mistake and they might struggle with the whole idea of parenthood because it involves giving of yourself, which they did not sign up for.

However, I am happy to be a parent. Being a parent and having kids, was an intentional decision on my part. My husband and I made the decision together. My kids are the best part of my life. This is not to say that Parenthood is 100% rosy. There are times when being a parent seemed to be the worst thing on earth. However, I can say boldly that 80% of the time, being a parent has been amazing.
I love my kids, and yes, I know they are no longer kids, but they will always be my kids. From the moment I had each and every one of them, a part of me fell in love with them. Over the years, from their best to that adulthood, I have fallen in love with my kids over and over again. We’ve had our up moments, and our down moments.
They have driven me crazy faster than anything could in this world, but they have also brought smiles and laughter into my life, more than the best comedy ever could.
They are the reason why I feel fulfilled. The reason why I do what I do. I would give all of me for my kids, anytime, any day, they are my partners.
They are my friends. I will always need my kids. My husband and I have had a full life because of our kids, our kids are more than just people we brought into this life.
They are not projects that we need to fix, but they are actually an extension of ourselves. Not extensions to fulfill the parts of our lives that were not fulfilled, or to live the dreams that we did not live.
No, extensions in the sense that they are part of us because they’re our friends, we enjoy the moments we have with our kids.
Despite the distance between us, our love for each other still remains, the communication between our kids and ourselves is excellent.
I am grateful to God for the opportunity to raise amazing kids who have, in turn, ended up with beautiful partners. As I see my kids go on to make better, much better lives for themselves, go on to have beautiful kids and raise them better than we did them, and grateful for the opportunity to be a parent.
I thank God for these kids. I know that I would always need my kids, as long as I live, they will always be my friend. I always love my kids. These are my children. They are my pride. They make me proud. They make me laugh. They make me happy. They are my best friends, apart from my husband forever. And this is the joy of being a parent, especially when you decide to be a parent.
No help at all
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