A mother is the only person who carries you for nine months in her belly, three years in her arms, and forever in her heart.
My mom is my confidant, my mentor, and my motivation; she has shown me so much love I never knew was possible.

Your life stories have made me realize that I can be a woman and still change the world; you broke free from the stereotypes and made a name for yourself. I can remember the look of admiration in the eyes of people as you swore an oat to be the best and first female vice-chancellor my school ever had.
I wanted to tell the whole world that, that’s my mom and she’s one in a million. Mom, you raised a queen and I can’t wait to show the world the treasurer you gave birth to. While growing up, I always considered you as a mean and rigid person, but now I know better.
You made me dress my beds from the age of four, you taught me how to pray, how to do basic life chores, be respectful to people, in fact, all that’s needed to shape a perfect adult. You made me who I am mom and I will forever love you.
You stood with me at my lowest and made me stronger, you taught me to be relentless and fearless. I will never repay you for all you have done, but I want to promise you that I will forever make you proud.