A mother is always a mother she never stops worrying about her children even when they are all grown-up and have children of their own.
When I was in high school, my mates always taunted me by calling me mom’s boy.
Every one in the faculty knew that my mom will always visit me in my hostel and even bring me food most times.

She was taking care of me as if I was still the little fragile child she breastfed years back and no matter how many times I tried to remind her, she always tells me that I will always be her baby.
When I celebrated my first birthday in school, she had made cookies, ice cream, and food; it was surprising how she got to my hostel so early and was the first person to wish me a happy birthday.
She shared the cookies with everyone close to my hostel and even had a prayer session on my behalf.
She never stopped doing all that she did when I was still growing up; even checking my laundry basket and reminding me every morning to pray and read my books.
She even created a group chat for me and my siblings and we made it a point of duty to interact with each other at the end of the day.
She loves me so much and I love her the same; she isn’t just my mom, she’s my best friend, the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I hope she never leaves my side.