If this year is telling me anything; it should be to enjoy the moments we have and never to take any day or anything for granted.
Many times, I have looked back at how my life was before I decided to come out of my shell; I wish I could turn back the hands of time and live my best life.

I went through a lot while growing up; I regretted ever existing as I had a lot of mental stress.
My life was never better as it’s always from one issue to another; at home, my foster parents never keep telling me I’m adopted and they already have their kids.
At school, I was taunted for being skinny and white at the same time. Many people mistook me for a white kid.
I grew up to understand they were pretty much jealous of me. I lived my whole life believing I wasn’t meant to exist and prayed God will take me soon. I never saw the positive side of life and dwelled on what people say about me.
Well, that’s all in the past as I decided to live my best life, and not to let what people say deciding my fate. I shut my ears to negative criticism and I’m doing great.
I’m happy for being me, and exploring life. Most times we seem to focus on the ugly sides of life forgetting that a coin has two sides.
Always see light at the end of every tunnel; live your best life; you owe that to yourself. Face the bright side of life, and make the best out of it.a