You will never see all the awesome things ahead of you if you keep looking at the bad things behind you.
Sometimes you just have to turn around, give a little smile, throw the match, burn that bridge, and move on.
You are not the worst person on earth; you aren’t the one with the darkest pasts.
Some people have been through the worst things and they didn’t give up on themselves. They conquered; they learned how to move on and never look back.
Who can believe I could ever survive the trauma of rape, worst still it was done by someone I thought I could trust.
He was my best friend and confidant. Some people thought we were siblings, some thought we were couples.
Well, he made it clear to me I wasn’t his spec, as I had muscles all over my body, that doesn’t change that I’m beautiful though.
I was happy, I had a male best friend, who was like a brother I never had. Well, it was the trauma I lived with for years.
I forgave him after my parents made sure he was sent to juvenile prison. I never had a god sleep for yours, the memories keep taunting me, and I felt so dirty and vulnerable.
I hated men and never let anyone come close to me. The nightmares never stopped, I felt like I was losing my mind; I knew I needed a therapist. She told me I was the cause of my problems; she told me I refused to move on from my past and look at the brighter side of life.
I heeded her advice and decided to make the best out of life. I let go of my past and never looked back, you can do the same.