Every Parents can experience a great excitement when having a kid. But everyone who has a child or is expecting one is aware that other feelings, including worry and anxiety, often go hand in hand with excitement.
Both parents may experience worry about how well the pregnancy will proceed and how to keep the mother and the unborn child as healthy as possible.
Therefore, giving birth to a sick baby is a heartbreaking experience that no parent should ever go through.
Unfortunately, this was the situation faced by Amanda and Justin from Illinois, USA, when their adorable newborn girl Braylee fell ill only a few months after her birth.

You just can’t imagine the joy Amanda and Justin experienced after nine months of preparation and wondering about their future daughter.
But unfortunately, not long after she was born, parents became aware that their young daughter was not quite right. It was obvious that she wasn’t feeling well because of the yellow hue to her skin.
The parents of the child confirmed she had biliary atresia, a rare liver condition, on February 3, 2016, which meant she was born without a gallbladder, a vital organ that stores and releases bile into the small intestine. A newborn’s health and development depend greatly on the function of the organ in the digestive process.

Braylee’s parents were advised by the physicians that she was in serious condition.
Justin and Amanda were in shock.
Braylee underwent surgery to connect her liver to her intestines, but the girl’s condition worsened as a result of the procedure.

Braylee’s health got worse. Her stomach grew till it resembled a large balloon in size.
The young girl needed a liver transplant as soon as possible, the physicians said.

However, there were no immediate liver donors available.
The whole family needed help badly.
Justin offered to donate a little of his own liver to save the life of his unborn child after consulting with the physicians and giving it some thought.
The procedure had a high degree of risk and might have harmed Justin’s health. However, the father didn’t care; all he wanted was to see his infant daughter healthy and content.

However, a miracle happened as Justin was about to undergo the procedure.
A liver donor was discovered somehow in time. Braylee would be one of the two children born from the deceased man’s liver.
The transplant operation went well.

After a positive reaction to her new liver, Braylee steadily started growing into a healthy newborn girl. Like every other toddler, her skin tone reverted to normal, and she was beaming.
Since Braylee left the hospital, it has been more than a year. Her most recent photos, taken at 19 months old, exemplify the transformation that year has brought about.

This baby girl has been given a chance to live because to a really kind person who qualified as an organ donor.
We would like to express our gratitude to all organ donors. They are actually disguised angels.

We think Braylee and her family will do well because of this amazing story.
These people have experienced so much. Please tell your friends about them in remembrance of them and their struggle.