I was surprised when I opened my husband’s drawer the day after we moved in together.

At George’s family’s estate, which looked like something out of a fairy tale, Freya was excited to start her new life with him. But soon after they moved in, Valerie, the maid, gave Freya a cold look. Later, Valerie left a message on Freya’s phone saying, “Check your husband’s drawer, especially the top left one. Then, run!” This was how Freya learned about George’s secret life.

Freya found a key and some love notes in the drawer. In the letters, George talked about his deep love for Elena and his dreams of a future with her. The last letter was written just three days before George proposed to Freya. Using the key, Freya unlocked a dusty attic filled with photos of George and Elena, including an ultrasound scan of their baby.

“My sister is Elena,” Valerie said. She explained that George abandoned Elena and their child after finding out the baby had Down syndrome, thinking they were a burden. George’s sister confirmed that the attic was his favorite room.

With Valerie’s help, Freya confronted George’s family. George’s father asked, “Is this true?” but George’s silence said it all. The family acted quickly: George was disinherited, and his inheritance was redirected to support Elena and her child.

After getting a divorce, Freya received the possessions that were meant for George. With Valerie and George’s mother’s support, she used the money to start a charity for children with disabilities. By turning her pain into a mission to help others, Freya made sure that the painful discovery led to something good.

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