Never hurt nor make your mother cry, there’s no one who loves you as she does in the whole world.
If there was anyone I wish could live forever it should be my mom, because she deserves all the good things on earth.
Mom had me when I was barely 7 months and I had to be in an incubator for months; dad saw the bills that were piling up and ran away, but mom never left me and she never did for the past eighteen years.

She has been my sibling, mom, best friend, and all that I ever wanted in life.
Life hasn’t been so rosy, but mom doesn’t believe in giving up.
She has to do two jobs to give me a quality education; after I got out of the incubator we moved to the states, as she didn’t want me growing up and being stigmatized by people because my dad left me when he didn’t even know me.
Mom never gave any man a chance again because of me; she always told me that my love will always be enough for her. My only wish is to be someone I would be so proud of and I am so happy that I never for once made her sad.
I graduated as the best graduating student in my department, with five awards; the first to ever do it and that moment when I was to give my speech, tears couldn’t let me.
I gave the glory to my mama and God; I knew without them I couldn’t have gone this far.