God is about to send you a man who will spoil you with respect, loyalty, honesty, affection, and unconditional love.
I have passed through a lot of toxic relationships; I have been mentally and emotionally abused. I have wished for the death some days because I was slowly losing it.

I have been in five different relationships that went down the drain. I thank God because I came out hale and healthy out of them luckily.
I got entangled the first time to a man who sees me not as his partner and helpmate, but an object of work and not different from a dog that should be submissive to its master.
He never stopped hitting me at every instance, and will, later on, apologize that is because he loves and doesn’t want me to turn out like his numerous previous girlfriends.
I knew he wasn’t the one, as no man will hit a woman he loves. When I couldn’t take it again, I left and a few months later I met my second fiancé. The first time I saw him, I felt he was the one, the way he carried himself and his right choice of words made me fall in love with him.
He was my dream husband, and I described him as the perfect man for my kids. A few weeks into the relationship, he started cheating as I strongly believe in no sex before marriage. When I confronted him, he was never remorseful about his actions, he said he is a man and he has to do what needs to be done.
The list continues to the fifth one, who tortured me emotionally before letting me go. I have lost hope in a better man until God decided to bond me to who was made for me alone. Every day of our marriage still feels like our courting days, he was made for me and forever.
22 years ago at the age of 28, after “A few” toxic relationships over the years, I literally just prayed to God, “PLEASE BRING ME SOMEO E WHO HAS MY BACK AND LIVE ME OR LET ME LEARN TO BE HAPPY ALONE” it was in that alone time over the next year that I became very happy being on my own, my own place, come and go with friends da as I wanted, love iv my life and myself… it was only then God brought me Marc and he’s taken care of my heart for 22 years and we have a beautiful 13 yr old daughter who he is a wonderful father to. He renews my faith in men. In fact, his entire family is full of good men so when you meet family and parents of the person you are seeing, watch and observe the family and what the example has been for him… there are some amazing men out there but we have to BE what it is we want. God bless and know that God wants to bless you… you have to be ready for it.
Love yourself first and you will attract what you are and what you KNOW you deserve.❣️