I send this Easter egg with a hug and a kiss, to those in heaven that I love and miss. I am sharing the egg in memory of my family friends who have passed away.
In memory of the Easters we spent together and the beautiful ones we always planned to create in the future.

By this time, mom already got the turkey, chicken and made plans with our neighbors on how the ram will be butchered and shared.
Dad would have also made arrangements for the different drinks that would be ordered for and by now little sis could have started whining about getting her a special dress for Easter.
I can remember all the plans we had for this Easter, but here I am sitting by the fireplace hoping that you are going to have the best celebration too.
If anyone ever told me that the last Easter we are going to celebrate as one big family was the last Easter celebration I could have beaten the person up for imagining the impossible.
I don’t even know what to do with myself, who do I celebrate with; it has always been celebrated as one big family, right now I am just the only one in my world.

I miss you mom, dad, and little sister; you all just left me all by myself. I miss you; I think about you every moment of my life, I will never forget you for any reason.
You are gone, but never forgotten, I love you so much. Happy Easter family.