Grandma’s house is probably one of the best places to be.
The bond between grandparents and their grandkids is incredible. It is almost as if the kids (parents of the grandchildren) were trial runs while the grandkids are the actual kids.
Grandparents tend to be more loving and lenient with their grandchildren.

Grandchildren, on their part, find it easier to relate with their grandparents.
That being said, grandmas seem to be in a class of their own.
The childhoods of most kids are filled with memories of their daily interactions with their grandmothers.
Grandmothers have a special role to play in the lives of their grandchildren, and a lot of grandmas have taken to their roles willingly.
Grandmothers do a lot of things in the lives of their grandchildren.
In some cases, especially if the distance is not an issue, grandmothers have had to become default babysitters
for their grandkids.
They sometimes have to drop their lives and travel to help their children with the kids.
Even though their kids are grown, grandmothers still continue to make sacrifices for them.
There have been numerous situations where grandmothers have to step up and help raise the kids, not only in situations where one or both parents may have died but also when the parents are not fully available to offer care.
It is easier for grandmothers to step and be the parent a child needs.
There are, of course, exemptions to the case, but the above scenarios are quite obtainable all over the world.
Does anyone love being a grandmother?
When we see the love and joy between a grandmother and her grandkids, it is easy to conclude that everyone loves being a grandmother.
We, however, have to give room for the theory that not every grandmother loves or enjoy being a grandmother.
The reasons might differ but there women out there who would be anything but a grandmother.
Why? No one can really tell. The same one some people have decided to not have kids, so some women prefer not to be grandmothers.
While having kids is something that can be directly controlled, being a grandmother is dependent on your kids having their own kids.
The only thing you can do is to not play an active role in the life of your grandchildren.
You can choose to complete disregard the gap on the child’s life that can only be filled by you and move on with your life. It doesn’t stop you from being a grandmother; you will just be the absent grandmother.
The joy of being a grandmother lies in being surrounded by her grandchildren.
When they come together to celebrate her, she is reminded of her full her life is.
When she has to help out her children with the grandkids, she once again experiences the joy and exasperation of raiding a kid.
It helps to keep her feeling young and loved.
Knowing all of these, it is easy to assume that yes, there are women who love being grandmothers.
I love being a GRANDMOM…the girls and I have a bond that my ex son in law will never break
I agree with everything said in this ad…I would sacrifice my life to save all my grandchildren cause I love them with everything I’ve got…
Nilda, I understand! 🙂 I feel the same way!
I love my grandson so much!
Being a grandma is the best life
I love being a Grandma
I Love being a GrandMama! I have 6 grands and 2 great Grands! They are all loving and happy to come to my house! It is a pleasure to watch them eat meals and the little ones play!
I love being a grandma.It is the best.
I love being a grandmother…and now miss so much (due to pandemic) holding and snuggling with my great grand babies. I can’t wait to do so.
I only had my grandson for 9 weeks. It was the best nine weeks ever.He was being babysat by his immature goofus uncle and when the baby wouldn’t stop crying the uncle put a pillow over his face. When they got him life flighted for the nearest children’s trauma hospital they did an mri and all four quadrants of his brain were black.He lost his eyesight and a whole lot of movement. At least he could hear. He was eventually adopted by a family. Unfortunately they didn’t want us to have anything to do with him so they changed his name and left the state. That was in 2005.He would be 15 now. We think about him often and wish they would have at least sent updates. I know one day I’ll be strolling down one of those beautiful streets in heaven and I’ll see him and he will be strong and whole and handsome.
Godspeed the day…..
I love being a mom, Nana, granny, and great granny!
If you don’t know the blessing of little arms around your neck saying,” Love you Nanny”, you really don’t know what your missing!! I’ve been blessed❤️
Love being a grandma.
Your positive post has a typo in it. Should be never not hever
Yes i do
I feel honoured to be a grandma…I have four gorgeous grandchildren that I adore and feel blessed to have them ❤️❤️❤️❤️
The BEST years of my life were those when my Grandchildren were small and would come sit in my lap so I could hold them tight while I’d rock them and sing them to sleep!! I miss that SO much!!❤️❤️
I really enjoy my grandchildren and my great grandchildren. I am very lucky they live close.