A strange creature that looked like a “werewolf” stood on the side of the road near an orchard in Madera Ranchos, California. No one wanted to try to look at him since he had a dirty fix of fur, was underweight, and was going bald.
People were kept away from the miserable animal for months due to its damaged, sharp tail and hard, scaly skin. On his head and neck, the only remaining black fur remained.
Because they were aware that he was dangerous and that he was clearly ill, people would ignore him as they passed by.

Fortunately, a human angel decided that this dog was worth her time one day. She made the decision to call for assistance after stopping to check on the plight of the dog.
Then, at that point, Megan Bowe, another sympathetic lady, addressed the call. Bowe’s Adoptable Rescued Pup founder Megan acknowledged ” When I saw how bad he was, I almost wept. He was truly on the verge of death. He couldn’t even stand because of his depression.”
Megan quickly came to the conclusion that this “werewolf” was in fact was ill and neglected German Shepherd. She gave him the name King and took him straight to the vet.

The doctors and Meghan decided to treat each and every one of the king’s ailments. Scabies, a damaged pelvis, and a broken tail were among his major health issues that necessitated surgery.
Megan stated, “My veterinarian believes he was hit by a car, which would also explain why his tail was so badly damaged. Because it had already begun to heal incorrectly by the time I got him, that injury occurred months ago. He was also extremely thin and dehydrated because he couldn’t walk very far on his own to look for food because his pelvis was so damaged.”
King looked old because of his health, but he was only one year old. Megan was forced to place him in a separate unit with the other animals she cared for due to his illnesses, some of which were contagious.

Fortunately, king began eating and he was getting a greater piece consistently.
King was prepared to undergo the crucial tail and pelvic fracture surgery as his condition improved gradually.
And everything went according to plan!

In her opinion, king can be adopted soon. He had a hard time walking again, but Megan and the vets helped him do the unthinkable and get back on his feet. He only wants to be included in a family that loves him and given a place to call home.
It’s hard to believe that all of those cars drove by him without stopping. “All it took was one person, but no one wanted to bring him home or help him because he looked so bad,” Megan said.
This world will be much better because of people like the woman who called for help and Megan, who was willing to help.

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