Bomb discovery! He found a car at the river bottom by accident and called the police.

Twelve years ago, Ilya Zhirnov and Kira Cherkasova, aged 25 and 22, vanished from Cheboksary in central Russia. No one knew what happened until an amateur diver found their car at the bottom of a river.

Authorities said the car had been underwater for almost ten years.

Surviving identity documents helped identify the two missing people. Inside the car, the diver found two bodies and their belongings.

This discovery is tragic, but it might provide new details about the case.

The police’s first theory is that no one saw or reported the couple’s accident. They think the couple lost control of their car on a slippery road and ended up in the river.

People are curious about how long it will take the authorities to figure out what happened to the two people. Will there be an investigation?

Could this discovery lead to more clues or evidence about what happened twelve years ago?

Right now, it’s unclear what further research will uncover.

The amateur diver’s find shows we shouldn’t give up on solving our problems. It could be a big step for those looking for answers in missing persons or unsolved murder cases.

This discovery should remind us to think about those still missing and that sometimes the answers are right in front of us.

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