Carrying a child doesn’t make you a mom, Dropping everything in your life to make sure your child has a good life makes you a mom.

There’s more to being a mom than just giving birth to a child. This is not to trivialize the act of giving birth, of course, givingĀ birth is one of the most tremendous experiences a woman can never have, and it can never be fully explained, or understood, and so nobody has the right to trivialize it.
However, giving birth to a child does not a mother make. Being a mother is more than just giving birth to a child. You can be a mother, without giving birth to a child, and you can give birth to a child and not still be a mother.
Being a mother requires sacrifice. It requires you to give from yourself, put your child first, and do all within your power to make sure you sure have a good life.
It sounds a bit limiting, but the truth is, sometimes, a lot of the time, a lot of mothers have given up on themselves, their dreams, and their goals to raise their kids. The sad reality is that society does not want to create a conducive environment for the woman to be both a woman, a mother, and a career woman.
So she has to fight for that, and a lot of times when women, pick their children over themselves. Society frowns on them for being so gullible, and yet when they pick themselves, and their careers over their kids society frowns on them for being selfish.
When you make the decision to be a mother, be sure that you have considered all the variables and the sacrifices it entails, and that you are willing and ready. I wish you good luck in your motherhood journey.
So well spoken!