Being A Mother is the most important job in the world, but being A GRANDMOTHER is the most fun!
We can argue that being a mother is one of the most important things in the world, and a lot of people will agree.

Giving birth to a child, bringing an entire human being to life, carry that child for 9 months is serious business, especially when the mother is not just a vessel that brings a child to life, but also proceeds to be a very good mother. Yes, mothers are important
However, Everyone knows that being a grandmother is super fun. You go through the years of being a mother, being an important person. You enjoy the ups and downs of motherhood and hopefully raise amazing kids.
When your kids are all grown and have a life of their own, your status slowly begins to change.
The kids you have nurtured are now grown, and they have their own kids now. Suddenly, you are not just “mum” anymore, you are “GrandMa”.
This is where the fun begins.
A grandmother is a mother and a friend. They are that older, wiser friend and mother wrapped in one person
Grandkids know that grandmothers are fun to be around. They always have something nice to share.
The beautiful thing about being a grandmother is that by the time you get to the age of being a grandparent, you would have had a lot of experience dealing with kids.
Being a grandmother is having your kids be a big part of your life, and you see your children have their children, and also your children’s children.