It might be difficult to choose a home that exactly satisfies your needs. In order to locate an appropriate place to call home, you may have to make certain compromises. But there are some issues on which nobody is prepared to make compromise.
This is the story of a house that looks to be fairly common from the outside, but when checking inside, it becomes clear why no one wants to purchase it.

It seems that home listed in the UK was suitable. According to the listing, it was a house with four bedrooms, a master suite, a garage, and a beautiful lawn. The house was described as being professionally maintained to a “high quality” in the listing as well, but it appeared that nobody wanted to buy it. When photos of the inside of the house came out, the reason behind it was quickly made clear.
Everything in the house’s interior was purple. Of course there was purple paint on every wall, but the purple theme continued. Purple was used everywhere, including the curtains, the ceilings, and floor.

Additionally, the master bedroom’s closet doors were a bright purple tint. Even though it may seem simple to repaint the walls, fixtures like closet doors might be difficult to alter.
White bathroom tiles with purple flower accents are featured there. Sadly, the bathroom floor and the sides of the bathtub are carpeted in shaggy purple, despite the fact that the bathtub can be white.

The outer look of the house hasn’t been affected by the purple, despite the inside of the house being an extravagant display of the color. The landscape is equally unremarkable and conceals the appearance of the home’s interior. The house is priced at £400,000, or almost $5 million.
Unless the property’s new owner still appreciates the color purple, things has to be done.
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