Shelby Skiles was writing one night while she was having trouble falling asleep at Children’s Medical Center in Dallas with her 2 years old daughter.
Skiles is 28 years of age has been in the hospital nearly every night since May after learning that her only child, Sophie, has a severe form of T-cell lymphoma.
Skiles and her husband Jonathan estimate hundreds of nurses during Sophie’s therapy.
15 rounds of chemotherapy were administered to a toddler to slow the spread of cancer. Presently he is hanging tight for an immature microorganism relocate.

However, Sophie was unable to walk, communicate, or feed on her own as a result of the harsh chemotherapy.
Skiles reminisced about the night he began writing that month: It was around three AM, and I was laying on this awful lounge chair in the medical clinic room and I was unable to rest.”
When I first started keeping track of the work that nurses did, it just kept going.
There were more fixes on the list than usual.
Skiles mentioned the nurse who sat on the floor with me when I had a panic attack after being diagnosed, as well as everything else I see them do to us and others.
On Skiles’ and her family’s “Sophie the Brave” Facebook page, she wrote a note of appreciation to the sisters.

She said, “I see you with arm full of medicine and supplies into the room of one child while your phone rings from the room of another child.” I see that you try not to be too loud at night and wear gloves and a mask. I can picture you carefully wrapping her in blankets and patting his bald head.”
The article has now been shared by over 25,000 people.
Since Sophie’s page has a great deal of supporters, Skiles contemplated, “I will post it and bring issues to light of what’s happening at Youngsters’ Clinic and what attendants do, particularly while they’re dealing with debilitated kids.”
She went on to say, “But the amount of attention it has received has completely shocked me.”

The message was also noticed by the Sophie-care nurses at Children’s Medical Center Dallas.
The clinical director of the Pauline Allen Gill Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, Susan McCollom, who assisted Sophie in her treatment stated: It means a lot to me that she did.”
One employee said: “Our work is extremely challenging emotionally, physically and mentally. It kind of nailed down why we do it and that what we do is not just work.”
She continued, “I’m very pleased with my team, but I’m not upset because I know they do it every day.”
Skiles says that Sophie will probably stay in the Dallas hospital at least until the end of January before moving to an apartment nearby.
Following the stem cell transplant, Sophie must continue her treatment and remain close to the hospital for checkups.
“It’s amazing to see people put their lives on hold to care for kids who really, really need it,” Skiles said of the nurses she has met thus far. Additionally, they care for their parents.