A woman who says she “died and went to heaven for three days” shares a frightening prediction about the future.

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A woman who says she “died and spent three days in heaven” has shared a frightening vision of the future.

Julie Poole, who calls herself a spiritual guru, has built a career on sharing her teachings. 

However, she experienced physical, mental, sexual, and emotional abuse from a young age.

Although this left her devastated, the spiritual and personal empowerment coach says it also made her more spiritual. 

Poole openly shares her experiences, often writing about them. She recently spoke about her near-death experience after a suicide attempt. 

She said that when she overdosed on medication in her 20s, she “died” in a way and went to a “spirit realm” like heaven. There, she claimed to have seen visions of humanity’s future.

She said, “I suddenly saw my guides and angels around me, and they lifted me up to the Higher Realms. I remember saying ‘I’m going home,’ but they said, ‘No you’re not, it’s not your time.'”

The spirits told her, “We warned you it would be too hard and overwhelming, and now at 21, you’re trying to leave.”

Three days later, according to Poole, she returned to her normal form on Earth but still remembered the last words from these beings.

She said they assured her that a new “Golden Age” for humanity would start between 2012 and 2032.

Poole explained, “By ‘Golden Age,’ we mean that for thousands of years, a few people have held all the power and control, abusing it over the masses.

“This Golden Age will bring equality, and everything that is false, fake, and corrupt will disappear.”

Poole strongly believes in this idea and said that a “day of reckoning” is approaching.

“It’s not about having an Armageddon,” she continued, “but those in power who are corrupt are being exposed. 

They are being discovered and removed, and those with pure hearts and good intentions are taking their place.”

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